Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Christmas Time!

The Couples and Singles ministry invites you to join Pastor Marc and Cyndi for the play "Gift of Maji" at New Life Providence Church on Sunday December 13th at 6 PM (if possible please meet us at the church at 5:30 PM). Admission is free. Please see Cyndi Jennings for more details.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Marriage Enrichment Weekend 2010

Couples mark your calender for February 13th 2010. WABC along with Pastor Marc and his wife Cyndi will host a Marriage Enrichment Workshop. Get ready for great sessions filled with inspiring speakers, resources and a special couples luncheon. Stay tuned for more details.

Friday, June 12, 2009

On This Journey Together

26 years ago yesterday I married the love of my life. We have been on this wild ride for so long that sometimes its hard to believe its been 26 years. But we have walked it together. Across oceans, through war time and peace time. Raising three beautiful kids (no, they are not perfect but they are pretty good kids, they are ours and we wouldn't trade them for anything). We have had some good days and some really bad days. Last year Marc became very ill and we found out what "in sickness and in health" really meant, yet we survived! The longest we have ever been apart from each other was the 7 months Marc spent in Saudi Arabia. At the most now we may be separated a few days. God has blessed us beyond our imagination. A few years ago Marc lost his job twice within a year. It didn't tear us apart, it pulled us closer. When we got married people said it wouldn't last because we were so young. We beat the odds!! If I could offer any advice to young couples it would be to never give up. Its so much easier to throw in the towel. It's a lot harder to stay together. Sometimes you will go to bed mad, sometimes you will want to trade him or her in for a new model (or what you think is a better model). Don't. Marriage is one of the most sacred gifts God gave to a man and a woman.The one thing I learned from the marriage retreat we attended this past February is that Marc is not my enemy. This I do know, and that is that the enemy does not want our marriages to succeed. I say he is a liar and he won't, can't have my family. Marc and I made a commitment to each other all of those years ago knowing we were in it for the long haul. No matter what. I'm looking forward to seeing what path God will take us on next. It's been a journey worth traveling. Happy Anniversary Marc.......Cyndi.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dinner and the Theatre

The Marriage and Singles Ministry invites you to join Pastor Marc and Cyndi for "The Play", the Story of the Man Called Jesus. Info on the cost of tickets can be found here. We are hoping to obtain tickets for the April 4th performance, so if you are interested in attending please let Cyndi Jennings know as soon as possible. Depending on the time we will have dinner either before or after the play at The Applebee's on Kempsville Road in Va Beach.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Marriage Weekend

If you were unable to attend the "Weekend to Remember" Conference, there are other opportunities out there for you. Calvary Revival will be hosting a Marriage Weekend on March 13-14th entitled "Pursuing God's Power in Marriage". Guest Speakers include Pastor McBath and his wife Pastor Janeen McBath. Also speaking that weekend will be Pastor Kim Brown and his wife Elder Valerie Brown of Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Chesapeake VA. Rounding up these awesome speakers will be Dr. Paul and Becky Van Valin. Dr. Valin is the Director of Eden Counseling Center. He and his wife created "Back to the Garden" a marital workshop presented in the US and abroad.

Fireproof your Marriage


Marc and I spent part of our date night watching the movie "Fireproof". Consider watching the movie and participating in the "Love Dare" challenge.

Photos from "Weekend To Remember".

The "Weekend to Remember" event was held February 13th, 14th and 15th at the Founders Inn in Virginia Beach. Hosted by Family Life, the three day event is held each year in various spots around the USA. Marcus and I highly recommend this ministry to married and engaged couples. We first heard about this event a few years ago when our friends Peggy and Willie attended (they returned again this year..see picture)!
One of the highlights for us was attending with our very own Chairman Deacon Ellis and his wife June. We hope that more couples will join us next year for this very special time of renewal and rejuvenation.
The session were geared towards the real concerns and pressures associated with marriage, but also highlighted ways that healthy marriages can remain healthy. The speakers were excellent and the time set aside to attend this event was well spent. On Saturday evening (which just happened to fall on Valentines Day) the couples were dismissed early and asked to spend the evening with their spouse on a "Date Night".
Sunday at the end of the conference each couple was asked to reconfirm their commitment to each other.

Marriage Ministry

Welcome to the Marriage Ministry blog for WABC.