Friday, June 11, 2010

27 Years and Counting!

27 years ago today I married the love of my life. Sometimes I love him, sometimes I want to crack him over his head. But each and every day I thank God for bringing such a sweet, funny, complicated, generous, God fearing man into my life. Marc and I met when we were 15 and 16 (in church mind you). We spent the summer getting to know each other and then did not see each other for nearly three years. The year I graduated from high school I moved to Chesapeake to live with my aunt and uncle while studying fashion merchandising. I contacted Marc to say hello since we had lost contact with each other. We spent hours on the phone talking and then he came over to my families home and we talked for a few more hours. The rest as they say is history. We have been inseparable every since then. Has it been an easy 27 years? No, not by any means. But when we got married we made a commitment to tough it out no matter what.

Marriage is hard work. It takes two people who are willing to put the other persons needs (and sometime their wants) above their own needs and wants. There are some days when we do a good job of that and then there are times when we really miss the mark. That's just life. Ministry is sort of like a marriage. It's hard work! You make a commitment because of the calling that God has placed on your life. Some days it will seem easy, and then there are days when you wonder why you do what you do. But in the end you realize that its important to stay the course.

If I could give couples one piece of advice it would be to protect your marriage at all cost. You should never sacrifice your marriage (or family) for ministry (or for work, hobbies, friends or children). Is it hard to balance the two ? Yes! But in the end if you don't take the time to nurture your marriage, then you will find it hard to minister to those who may be having difficulty in their marriage. Marc and I don't hide the fact from our children that our marriage is not always easy. We want them to know that they can work through stuff, and that they don't have to give up and throw in the towel when things get tough. As a matter of fact I hope that we have taught them that despite some tough times their father and I still love each other. We talk things out, make up and move forward. So even though the last 27 years have not always been a bed of roses, I'm thankful for the 27 years we have had together. And I look forward to 27 plus more!